
Welcome to my blog! I document my adventures in fashion, fitness, and food!  Hope you have a nice stay!

The Lazy Guide - Dallas

The Lazy Guide - Dallas

Hi guys! For those of you followed my Instagram, probably already knew that I was in Dallas for the past weekend. I wasn’t going to write a post as I am more laid back when it comes to travelling (Aka I am not a rigid travel planner), so I wasn’t sure if I would get enough content for you guys to read. But then I changed my mind, what if there’s someone out there that’s chill (or lazy) just like me, and they’re looking for a simple yet informative one-stop shop for weekend getaway plans in Dallas? So here we go!




I stayed at le Meridien the Stoneleigh located in uptown. Built in the 1920s, the 11-story Le Meridien features Art Deco design and greenish color palettes that create an elegant atmosphere in its 170 non-smoking rooms. My favorite part about this hotel is it has an outdoor pool that isn't used by many people, the atmosphere there is warm and inviting, and I can totally just hang there for a chill summer afternoon. Although I do have to say the room we got on the 5th floor, sometimes we could still hear the traffic or people walking by late at night. Would recommend to get a pool view, or higher up floor to prevent this situation from happening.

我們這次的飯店定在達拉斯上城的寒舍艾美。這間艾美算是有點歷史,1920年就蓋好了,但內裝應該是有全新改造過,非常新穎氣派。飯店內的戶外泳池應該是我最喜歡的地方了,不像我們台北W hotel或Hyatt總是一堆人,這裡的泳池非常清幽,池畔的躺椅我完全可以悠哉地躺一個下午,喜歡!唯一一點美中不足的地方是我們的房間是在五樓向外,所以夜深人靜時會聽到一些外面車子經過,或酒醉美國人嬉鬧的聲音,建議可以訂池畔房或者是高一點的樓層應該就可以避免這樣的情形。




Torchy’s Taco


I am a big fan of tacos, and Torchy’s tacos did not fail me! They started as a trailer in Austin, and now they have franchised throughout Texas! From my first take I feel like it’s the taco version of NY Shake Shack- trendy vibe, popping music, young crowds, tacos are not traditional Mexican flavor yet refreshing- I would definitely recommend if you haven’t already tried!

你們跟我一樣事Taco魔人嗎?搬到紐約來後我真的是一天到晚吃Tacos,所以到達拉斯當然要來這間大名鼎鼎的Torchy’s Taco朝聖!不知道你們對紐約的Shake Shack熟不熟悉,我覺得Torchy’s滿像是墨西哥版的Shake Shack,店的風格潮潮的、年輕人很多,tacos的口味不是傳統的墨西哥風味,但我個人滿喜歡的,推。

18th & Vine Barbeque


This is on the recommendation list from the Le Meridien. The décor is very chic, and food is 100% yummy! I still drool whenever I think about the apple pie with ice cream till now, please go if you’re ever in Dallas! (And they have a HOT waiter! Bradley Cooper Hot!)


Bread Winner’s Café


I thought only people in New York lined up for brunches! Obviously people in Dallas do so too! We actually walked from our hotel here(around 20 mins), in a breezy fall weather it’s not too bad at all! The portion of the food is VERY BIG, so if you’re going as a group, recommended to share the dishes.




Fort Worth Stockyard


It’s a very cute cowboy town. If you’ve never been to Texas and really want to see what REAL (or vintage Texas is like), this is the place to go. You can either take Trinity Rail Road express(TRE) which would cost you around 1.5 hrs and 10 bucks for a day pass; or if you like to travel in luxury Uber is an option too, it’s around 40 bucks and around 40-50 minutes. We walked around and watched a rodeo show there, it was a beautiful and relaxing day, feels great to get out of the city!


Deep Ellum


I hope you enjoy the first article of The Lazy Guide series, and feel free to comment and ask me if you got any questions! Special thanks to my dear friend Phoebe (@sophoebelous) for giving me so many Dallas suggestions, couldn't accomplish this without her! 

希望你們喜歡麗莎的懶人遊樂系列,有任何問題都可以留言問我喔!特別謝謝達人部落客好友Phoebe (@sophoebelous)提供的達拉斯遊樂建議,謝謝大家!x

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