
Welcome to my blog! I document my adventures in fashion, fitness, and food!  Hope you have a nice stay!

How To Have An Epic Solo V-Day

How To Have An Epic Solo V-Day


No, this is not another typical valentine’s day post! Because if you’re reading this, I am just like you- Single AF! For some reasons, I am almost ALWAYS single on valentine’s day, so I actually got really good at celebrating it with myself. This year, I thought I would share some of my tips to help you overcome the IHVD(I-hate-Valentine’s-Day) syndrome, and here we go!


Give Yourself a Staycation 宅度假去吧!

I’ve always been a big fan of staycation- all the excitement of getting out of your daily norm, but excluding the hassle of travelling out of town. (And yes, none of those painful airplane acne!) So this year, since I am single af, I’ve decided to spoil myself with one night at The Howard Hotel. This hotel has been on my list for so long, every time I walked by it on my way to a shoot, or to a meeting, I’ve always been like I am going to stay here one day! So why not this valentine’s day! #loveyourself2018 right?! I've also partnered with WEARLIVELY to demonstrate how to look effortlessly chic with that lively attitude. Their bralette is extremely comfortable and the lace doesn't make me feel itchy! (Very big plus for me because I have sensitive skin) If you want to try them out, feel free to use my code AMB-jhilisays for a $10 off for your next purchase! (No commission for me, only perks for you! 😉) Beautiful hotel, comfy bralette, and some hydrangea, wouldn't you say it's a good solo V-day?

大家聽過「宅度假」這個新概念嗎?英文是Staycation,意思就是不離開你居住的城市,但住進一個飯店、民宿、或者是Airbnb享受輕旅行的概念。我一直很喜歡這樣子的旅行模式,不僅可以脫離生活常規,又可以不用在那邊搭飛機趕火車十分愜意。這次,我宅度假的地點選在位於紐約時尚SOHO蘇活區的Howard Hotel。這間Hotel去年才剛新開幕,是潮男靚女們的朝聖之地。這次入住這裡一天,美美的內裝讓我照片拍不停。這次也特別跟一個美國新興內衣品牌WEARLIVELY合作。他們家的Bralette穿起來很舒服,蕾絲不會刺刺癢癢的,對我來說是個大加分因為我常常穿其他牌子的蕾絲都會癢癢的。想要購買的朋友們可以使用我的折扣碼AMB-jhilisays可以折10塊喔(是美金喔,可是台幣三百!)!美美的飯店,美美的內衣,美美的白色繡球花,女人,就是要好好寵愛自己好嗎!


Do a Galantine’s day 單身閨蜜派對!

As the famous quote goes, “Men might come and go, but women stay.” So this year, invited by Tricia(@happilyeverstyle), I did a little Galentine’s date with her and Lea @leabohnen. I don’t know if you agree, but sometimes, it’s just so much more fun when you only hang out with the girls! You talk about make-up, clothes, hair, photography, classes you’re going, and of course we talk about boys too! We spent a lovely afternoon at Plunge, the view there was breath-taking! Will definitely come back again when summer is back in town.



Buy Yourself Some Jewelry 犒賞自己一些珠寶

Diamonds are a girl’s best friend! But relax! I am not asking you to buy diamonds here. I’ve come across this jewelry brand “Shop Small Things”, they literally have the cutest and well-designed pieces with affordable price! My current favorite is the one in the first photo below, called "HEXAGON PRESSED FLOWER THREAD EARRINGS", also this one and this one. I literally am obseesed because everything is so cute! (And P.S.: They ship internationally!)

鑽石是女人的好朋友!哈哈哈我開個玩笑,沒有要叫妳大手筆買鑽石的意思。如果你跟我一樣也是窮窮的小資女,最近找到一個不錯的首飾品牌Shop Small Things,熱烈推薦給各位。我在照片中戴的是"HEXAGON PRESSED FLOWER THREAD EARRINGS"和這個,我也很喜歡這個略偏華麗的款式。他們家的東西質感很好,價格又平實,我自己很喜歡喔!(他們有寄送全球喔!)

Upgrade your skincare routine 為肌膚換個心情!

I’ve recently come across the Herb Blending collection from Nature Republic, and I.LOVE.THEM! I repeat, I love them! It’s so rich and creamy, yet it does not break me out. The scent is light and natural, and my skin is literally baby smooth after I got on the collection after like three days. My favorites are Herb Blending Cream and Herb Blending Toner, they are probably the most refreshing yet nourishing products I've ever tried. I will definitely recommend this collection to people with combination skin but want something nourishing within a medium price range. It’s V-day, spoil yourself a little bit!

我最近試用了一套Nature Republic的草本抗老滋養系列產品,我很喜歡!它質地非常地綿密柔滑,香味也不會太香,非常適合我這種偏敏感的混和性膚質使用。如果你在冬天也想要換一套比較滋養的保養品,他們的價位算是中階,比專櫃便宜,但媲美專櫃質感。我最喜歡的是Herb Blending Cream草本滋養霜和Herb Blending Toner草本滋養化妝水,這大概是我用過最清爽,但同時又最滋養的冬季保養品的。各位喜歡的話可以試試喔!


Up Your Home Décor Game  重新佈置家裡

Inspired by Tricia @happilyeverstyle, I’ve been so obsessed with home décor lately. Before, I always feel like I am only renting a place, it doesn’t really make sense for me to spend money on décor. That’s still true, but if you calculate and budget wisely, there’re so many things that you can do that can instant change the mood of your room! My recent discoveries includes this vanity tray, a couple prints from society 6, and of course, some scenting candles. Don't they just go well with my overwhelming perfume collection? ;)

受到我姐Tricia@happilyeverstyle的影響,我最近深深著迷於整理家裡以及做一些居家的小佈置。我以前總是覺得現在只是租房子,沒事沒有必要花錢去做裝飾。但後來發現,其實只要認真挑選,有些小物質感很棒,而且價格也很便宜。 最近挑到的小東西有這個裝香水的小盤盤、兩張藝術印刷品,還有蠟燭。女人嘛,看到漂亮的東西心情就好了,妳說是吧!

*I've received products free of charge from WEARLIVELY(Bralette), Metisu(Plaid Coat), Shop Small Things(Earrings), and Nature Republic(Skincare Products); all comments and opinions are 100% my own.*

Three ways to style a tweed jacket

Three ways to style a tweed jacket

Plaid, please.

Plaid, please.