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Chill vibes @ Branch & Roots

Chill vibes @ Branch & Roots

Hi all! Have not posted for awhile as I just started my summer internship and busy enjoying the summer in New York! How are you all doing? Today I am introducing one of my favorite sunglasses brand – Branch & Roots. Not sure if you guys are familiar with the marketing term Millennials, but it means the generation that reaches adulthood around the turn of the 21st century. There are plenty specific personality traits about Millennials, one of them is how we generally go after brands that come with “a higher purpose.” We like brands that give back to the societies, take care of their fellow citizens, like Toms(you buy one, they donate one), Warby Parkers(Same model), Starbucks(ethnically sourced beans), and Branch & Roots is one of them!

大家好!今天要跟各位介紹的,是一個我很喜歡的眼鏡品牌- Branch & Roots。不知道大家對Millennials 這個名詞熟不熟悉,它形容的是在千熙年誕生後的消費族群,他們對於消費很有自己的看法。舉我自己的例子來說,我就是一個驕傲的千熙年消費者。我們在意一個事物的價值多過於價錢,追求經驗多於追求物質,喜歡有社會責任的品牌,而Branch & Roots就是一個這樣的概念。


Let’s start with some facts, do you know that our rainforest is disappearing at an alarming rate of 56,000 square miles a year? That’s 48 football fields a minute. And Branch & Roots wanted to change that, so they are committing to donate a percentage of each purchase to RAN to help preserve the rainforest. At first I was really fascinated by this idea, but then I paused and thought, wait a minute, but your sunglasses are all made out of woods, doesn’t that mean you’re hurting the rainforest as well?


After chatting with them, I realize that after a tree has been chopped and processed for lumber to make furniture, there are actually a lot of remaining parts that just went to waste. And the mission of Branch & Roots is to use the remaining wood and create beautiful sunglasses to help you look good, and at the same time, do good. (I mean- how great is that?!)

後來深聊後才發現,其實所有的木製傢具,在製作過程中都會產身很多邊邊角角的剩餘材料(所謂廢柴?!XD),而Branch & Root 就是搜集了這些材料,重新製作成太陽眼鏡。所以在製作過程中不僅完全不傷害任何樹木,同時也達到回收的目地。所謂人美心也美,大概就是一個這樣的概念吧~(撥劉海)

Let me just say, at first I was actually pretty reserved about it. I mean- the idea is awesome, but sunglasses that are made out of wood just sound heavy and not stylish! But after receiving the product, I realized I really like it! It’s really light, and the wood frames are beautifully colored, the most important thing is, THEY FIT MY NOSE!!! Do you know how hard it is for Asians to find a pair of sunglasses that fits?! VERY. So give it a try peeps! Thanks for reading! See you next time=)


sunglasses: Branch & Roots (Thank you!)
top: Zara
jeans: 7 for all mankind
tote: Parfois

Photos by Sworup(@sworupranjit)

*This post is sponsored by Branch & Roots*

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