
Welcome to my blog! I document my adventures in fashion, fitness, and food!  Hope you have a nice stay!

White on White

White on White

Spring is officially in town! I know some of you have been thinking about what I should wear everyday with this ever-changing weather. For me, it’s my favorite season as I get to mix a little bit of winter and a little bit of summer so there are a lot of pieces to choose from!

White is definitely one of my favorite colors. I would surely have a full closet of white if they are easier to keep clean. (Any tips on this one?) I just wore this white jumper not so long ago, today I am matching it with a one-piece dress; and to create layers, I also wore a button-up collar shirt under so it’s more fun! How do you like this look? Comment and let me know. Happy readying!


白色絕對是我最喜歡的顏色之一,它純淨、自然、帶點空靈的氣性總能讓我看起來「友善」一些(人生目標)。如果它更好整理的話,我應該會有一整個衣櫥的白吧!知道怎麼整理白衣的也麻煩留言告訴我吧(十分需要)~ 有發露我的應該有發現我不久前才穿過這件毛衣,今天在裡面加了一件連身雪紡洋裝以及白襯衫,創造出令人驚喜的玩味層次。喜歡今天這個風格嗎?閱讀愉快!

My Sherlock Holmes Moment

My Sherlock Holmes Moment

Layering Fun

Layering Fun